Buy in the French Riviera

Apartment with attic, garage and cellar for sale

Real Estate French Riviera

PUGET SUR ARGENS : Apartment to renovate with 2 attics and cellar in house at village + garage of proximity !


Description of the property :

For sale :Apartment to renovate with 2 attics and cellar in house at village + garage of proximity ! (Real Estate PUGET SUR ARGENS)

In an house at village in condominium located to heart of village at Puget on Argens and of proximity of amenities (administrations, trade and schools)

A apartment at sort 5P (37,58 m2 loi carrez - 100 m2 utilisables about with the attics accessibles by escalier directement of logement) + cellar

Cet apartment on several levels is composed at : An entrée separatee, an room with corner kitchen of develop and 2 rooms with window on a même niveau, 2 others rooms sans window (An with shower, WC and lavabo and l'autre with WC)

Work at rénovation of provide.

+ cellar voutée (24,34m2 loi carrez - 31,44 m2 to sol) + 2 attics (12,13 m2 and 31,36 m2 to sol)

+ 1 garage at 19,70 m2 located of proximity immédiate at l'appartement

to visit quickly !!!

For this apartment for sale in PUGET SUR ARGENS
For sale :
120 000
2107Gil - puget - 120

Contact : Gilles
au 06 60 77 66 25
Biens vendus par ce commercial

Ce bien vous est présenté par : Gilles Testanier au 06 60 77 66 25 - Agent immobilier gérant de la Société AGENCE AGILLIMMO CONSEILS (Agent immobilier)

(Fees included )

Details of the offer :

  • - For sale or rent : For sale
  • - Sector / City : PUGET SUR ARGENS
  • Real Estate French Riviera
  • - Appartment for sale PUGET SUR ARGENS
  • - To renovate
  • Type : 5 room(s)
  • - Nice view
  • - Not overlooked
  • - Quiet
  • - Cellar
au 0033 4 94 45 66 25

Pics :

Apartment with attic, garage and cellar  - PUGET SUR ARGENS

Apartment with attic, garage and cellar  - 83480  South of France


South of France

Apartment with attic, garage and cellar  - PUGET SUR ARGENS - France

- French riviera

Apartment with attic, garage and cellar  - Côte d'Azur French riviera

 Apartment to renovate with 2 attics and cellar in house at village + garage of proximity ! - PUGET SUR ARGENS

Apartment with attic, garage and cellar  in the french riviera

For sale :   Apartment with attic, garage and cellar - PUGET SUR ARGENS 83480

Apartment with attic, garage and cellar  - PUGET SUR ARGENS - + cellar voutée (24,34m2 loi carrez - 31,44 m2 to sol) + 2 attics (12,13 m2 and 31,36 m2 to sol)

Pics of property : Appartment à PUGET SUR ARGENS

Maps of this property :

Real estate - French riviera - PUGET SUR ARGENS (83480) :

Agrandir le plan

Location :
French Riviera - France
Latitude: 43.455906 Longitude: 6.683298

Diagnostic de Performance Energétique :

Diagnostic Performance Energétique
Consommation Conventionnelle :
413 kWhep/

Consommations énergétiques (en énergie primaire) pour le chauffage, la production d'eau chaude sanitaire et le refroidissement.
Emission de gaz à effet de serre
Estimation des émissions :
30 kg éqCO2/

émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) pour le chauffage,
la production d'eau chaude sanitaire
et le refroidissement.
DPE réalisé le :01/10/2023
Montant des dépenses théoriques annuelles :
Minimum :1090 €/an
Maximum :1510 €/an
Prix moyens des énergies indexés au :01/01/2021
Logement à consommation énergétique excessive

(Not contractual)

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