Buy in the French Riviera

Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking for sale

Real Estate French Riviera
In the process of being sold !

FREJUS : T2 46m2 in RDC with balcon cellar and parking residence closed


Description of the property :

FREJUS (83600) -
For sale :T2 46m2 in RDC with balcon cellar and parking residence closed (Real Estate FREJUS)

Bel apartment at plus at 46m2 located of 500m of center city in an residence sécurisée. At 2 km of plages, at to the base nature, of 4km at to the sortie d’autoroute, this property conviendra perfectly for a premier investment or a investment locative !

Il se compose d’une entrée with a bedtle cupboard, a living with kitchen oppened landscapede whodonne access of a balcon closed by of windows at 9m2, an grande bedroom, an nice salle at bains with WC and a cellar/dressing.

L’appartement is free, propre and habitable at suite and il is équipé a HVAC in the living. Il is located to rdc of immeuble at 34 apartments.

l'appartement is sold with an grande cellar at plus at 8m2 and an place privative at stationnement of l'intérieur at to the condominium juste front l'entrée at l'immeuble.

intercom - portal électrique - air conditioning -chauffage to gas individuel

Apartment propre and habitable at suite !

Opportunité of to seize !

For this apartment for sale in FREJUS
For sale :
149 700

Contact : Gabriel
au 06 63 36 13 89
Biens vendus par ce commercial

Ce bien vous est présenté par : Gabriel Pagliaï au 06 63 36 13 89 - Agent commercial de la Société AGENCE AGILLIMMO CONSEILS immatriculé au RSAC de Fréjus sous le numéro 835 113 630, titulaire de l'attestation de collaborateur n° ADC83032021000000010 pour le compte de la Société AGENCE AGILLIMMO CONSEILS

(Fees included )

Details of the offer :

  • - For sale or rent : For sale
  • - Sector / City : FREJUS
  • Real Estate French Riviera
  • - Appartment for sale FREJUS
  • Type : 2 room(s)
  • - Area : 46 m2 env.
  • 1 Bedroom(s)
  • - Air conditioner
  • - Balcony / Loggia
  • - Cellar
  • - Parking
  • - Closed residence
Contact : Gabriel
au 0033 6 63 36 13 89

Pics :

Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking  - FREJUS

Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking  - 83600  South of France

Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking  - 83600  South of France


South of France

Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking  - FREJUS - France

- French riviera

Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking  - Côte d'Azur French riviera

 T2 46m2 in RDC with balcon cellar and parking residence closed - FREJUS

Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking  in the french riviera

For sale :   Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking - FREJUS 83600

Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking  - FREJUS - intercom - portal électrique - air conditioning -chauffage to gas individuel

Beautiful T2 46m2 in RDC with cellar and parking  - FREJUS - Il se compose d’une entrée with a bedtle cupboard, a living with kitchen oppened landscapede whodonne access of a balcon closed by of windows at 9m2, an grande bedroom, an nice salle at bains with WC and a cellar/dressing.  - South of France

Pics of property : Appartment à FREJUS

Maps of this property :

Real estate - French riviera - FREJUS (83600) :

Agrandir le plan

Location :
French Riviera - France
Latitude: 43.4508925 Longitude: 6.7912083,12

Diagnostic de Performance Energétique :

Diagnostic Performance Energétique
Consommation Conventionnelle :
102 kWhep/

Consommations énergétiques (en énergie primaire) pour le chauffage, la production d'eau chaude sanitaire et le refroidissement.
Emission de gaz à effet de serre
Estimation des émissions :
13 kg éqCO2/

émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) pour le chauffage,
la production d'eau chaude sanitaire
et le refroidissement.
Diagnostic réalisé après le 1er Juillet 2021
DPE réalisé le :14/08/2024
Montant des dépenses théoriques annuelles :
Minimum :566 €/an
Maximum :766 €/an
Prix moyens des énergies indexés au :01/01/2021
Logement énergivore

(Not contractual)

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